Reflection- Personal Fitness Course.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
As I cautiously entered the room, somehow magnified by the humungous weight training equipment and the bustling crowd of students, I was more than just a little apprehensive. I was nervous about this personal fitness program and the posters of athletes with gigantic muscles and beads of perspiration running down their face, certainly didn't help calm my nerves and rising heartbeat. I was soon to realize that enrolling in this course was one of the …

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…muscles, remain physically active throughout the year and carefully keep track of my calorie intake. I'm very excited about the martial arts and swimming unit they are my favourite sports. I'm also thrilled at the opportunity of being able to practice yoga and Pilates, as I have never done them before. All in all, I am very pleased with the progress I have made so far and I'm looking forward to an enlightening, eventful year.