Reebok International

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Reebok International Ltd. BUSINESS SUMMARY I. General Background Information Reebok International Ltd. is a worldwide sports and fitness company influencing the athletic lifestyle of the world since 1895. The story of Reebok International Ltd. began in Victorian England when Joseph William Foster created the first known running shoe with spikes for members of his local running club. Mr. Foster had a victorious clientele of distinguished athletes through his company J.W. Foster & Sons. With the ability …

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…New York Times (Late New York Edition). 2 March '97. p.3 Sec. 3. (2)..., "New York Stock Exchange." Wall Street Journal. 31 Oct. '97 . p.C6 (3)..., "New York Stock Exchange." Wall Street Journal. 7 Nov. '97 . p.C3 (4)..., "New York Stock Exchange." Wall Street Journal. 14 Nov. '97 . p.C6 (5)..., "New York Stock Exchange." Wall Street Journal. 14 Nov. '97 . p.C6 (6)...,"Financial Data." annual96-97/financial. ( 7 Feb. 1999) (7)..., "About Reebok" 100html. ( 9 Nov. 1999)