Rediscovering the phrase of the "Melting Pot".

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Ever since the beginning of the 16th century and even continuing today, immigrants have flowed into America in hopes of obtaining a better life for their families and themselves. Most immigrants that come to America have fled from their homeland in order to have a new start on fresh soil. However, in order to obtain this goal, they often have had to let go of their individuality and become "Americanized". In the process of becoming "…

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…identities, but ultimately united as one. We should look at others as individuals, and realize that we are all humans before we take into consideration of the color, sex, or background. Works Cited: Velez, Wanda. The American Experience. 1988. <Tab/><> Steinfield, Melvin. Cracks In The Melting Pot. California: Beverly Hills, 1973. Takaki, Ronald, ed. From Different Shores. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994.