Red Scare Describes the causes and consequences of the Red Scare of 1919

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Essay Database > History
Red Scare The Red Scare of 1919 was the first of two major periods in American History when fear of radicalism culminated in the persecution and deportation of Americans thought to be radicals (communists, anarchists, or socialists). An unprecedented event, the Red Scare of 1919 exhibits how popular suppression and fear of radicalism can have disastrous consequences. The causes of the Red Scare are numerous and varied, however, one of the most important factors that contributed to …

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…cases, immigrants were automatically labeled as subversives, anarchists, and communists. The association between immigrants and social upheaval would have a negative effect on American immigrants in the years to come, a fact most vividly portrayed through the trial of Sacco and Venzetti. Also, for many years to come, unions were seen in a negative light. The association of communism with unions would continue to be a hindrance for labor and the advancement of labor reforms.