Red Scare

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Essay Database > History
The war was over. The last cry of help had been heard and peace was supposedly coming to the United States. But everyone was wrong. An ideological war which prompted mass paranoia known as the Red Scare had spread through the US. It began in 1919 and ended in 1921. Red Scare was the label given to the actions of legislation, the race riots, and the hatred and persecution of "subversives" and conscientious objectors during that period …

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…he accused two presidents of being Communists. Since the McCarthy era, nothing like the Red Scare has ever occurred in American society or government. America will always remember this episode of the early 1920's, and with all our hopes that it may never occur again. What everyone learned from the Red Scare was freedom of expression. If it is taken away, by anyone, including the government, justice can never be either carried out or achieved.