Red Nazi

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Essay Database > History
Adolf Hitler By: Sam Whitmore Adolf Hitler, to some, was a great ruler, but to others he was a murderer. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party and was the dictator of Germany. He ordered to have millions of Jews murdered or thrown in prisons. Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889, in a small town in Australia called Branuan. His dad's name was Alios Hitler and was a customs official. He was 51 years old when …

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…married Eva Braun. One day later Hitler and Eva both killed themselves on April 29, 1945. Seven days later Germany surrendered. In conclusion, Adolf Hitler, and an filled with an intense anger, killed millions of Jews, who in his eyes were an inferior race. Hitler desired to create a "pure" race, white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. It is sad that he organized followers to destroy so many innocent lives to design what is not possible.