Red Heart Book Review

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Essay Database > Literature
The novel written by Victor Kelleher, Red Heart, is an extremely detailed book. Victor Kelleher has represented an individual as an intriguing and vital personality in this meticulous volume. Irene is a teenage girl with a striking personality, she is hard, complicated and most of the time misunderstood. She is a sexual character; always trying to get the most out of Nat when she can. She wears a lot of jewellery on her fingers and …

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…history.' In spite of everything Irene is a great, loving, daring, adventurous and aroused girl to be with, she lets out excitement in the littlest of things, yet she is not embarrassed in a sense to let out her deepest and darkest fears. She knows she is only human and will try to the best of her ability to overcome that. She likes to be spoilt even though this is erratic in the novel.