Reconstruction and the affects of it after the civil war.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
After the Civil War the United States government was forced to make changes in order to successfully embrace the South and reunite the Union. This interval of change was called the period of Reconstruction. President Lincoln, the incumbent directly after the Civil War, set plans for Reconstruction that were designed in hopes of "saving the union." However, after Lincoln was assassinated, the government lost sight of his goals and it turned into a mostly unconstructive …

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…themselves into the White dominated society. The period of Reconstruction concluded with the election of 1876 where the Republican Party struck a deal with the Democrats in order to get Rutherford Hayes into presidential office. The Republicans agreed to remove all union troops from the southern states; this marks the end of the Post-Civil War Reconstruction, a disgrace and embarrassment to American Heritage. It will be remembered as a time of weak government, corruption, and racism.