Reconstruction after the Civil War

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Essay Database > History
The Civil War ended in 1865 with the defeat of the notorious slave states of the South. For the next ten years, the reconstruction of the southern states took place. Reconstruction could have been a great era of American History, with strong bold presidents that secured everyone's freedom and all, despite of race or color could live in complete harmony. Yet in truth, the Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War proved to be highly …

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…the same, if not worse as before the war, which concludes that it was completely ineffective. But despite its overthrow, Reconstruction left an important legacy: commitment to a republican society based on equality under the law, as exemplified in the Reconstruction-era legislation that remained on the books even when unenforced. A century later, during the civil rights movement, Americans, both black and white, would build on that legacy, as they renewed their struggle for equality.