Recommend "Road to Chilifa" to others

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I would recommend this book, "Road to Chilifa" to other teenagers in Canada and especially for who immigrated to Canada because the main character of this book named, Karim is someone who just arrived to Canada and this book tells us about how difficult it is when people make fun of people who just immigrated or give them too much attention. Also this book teaches us and reminds us about importance of peace. First of …

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…freedom. Also there are a lot of imageries linked with freedom, for example, the unicorn, a goat and Juniper Trees are good example for the imageries symbolizing freedom. And Karim and Maha talk about these imageries a lot in this book. As conclusion, I recommend this book to teenagers in Canada especially students who just immigrated to Canada. I think this is a great book with interesting characters and because it tells us about peace.