Recent debate about multiculturalism in Australia

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Essay Database > History > World History
In the last century, the shores of the Australian continent have been flooded by a plethora of migrants, especially during the post-war period. The once scarcely populated island was home only to her aboriginal inhabitants. But it is now home to a diversity of people; immigrants from all over of the globe have flocked to the golden shores of Australia, bringing with them a taste of home and their unique ethnicity. As such, Australia has …

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…considerably since the 1900s, where Australians perceived other races to be inferior and 'undesirable as immigrants'. The views that Australians have today are vastly different from those of early Australians. These mindsets have evolved over time and multiculturalism has opened Australians to new cultural ideas. As can be seen, having a multicultural nation is definitely has it benefits, Australians have become receptive to differences and at the same time more aware of their own uniqueness.