Recent controversial topic of the pledge of allegiance

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Essay Database > Literature > English
What is Constitutional? The Constitution. A document that was written over two hundred years ago two outline the ideals and principals of a nation. During the past few years parts of the constitution itself have come under fire, and other things in our nation, such as prayer in schools, and even our own Pledge of Allegiance, have been topics of debate and even lawsuits. In the late 1950's a Supreme Court decision forever changed the …

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…can come together in peace and harmony. Increasingly, at least over the past few years, that has not been true. America has been the country that everyone can come to, but complain about something they do not like, and change it accordingly, regardless of what everyone else thinks. America needs to reevaluate herself and get a new understanding. At some point, too much change can be detrimental to a nation. America is loosing her identity.