Reasons the American civil rights movement began to falter during the late 1960's.includes summerys about Malcolm X,Hewy Newton, Martin Luther King,and Stokely Carmichael.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Turmoil in the late 60s There are many reasons that the civil rights movement began to falter during the mid- to late- 1960s. This paper will discuss several reasons including economic changes and leadership clashes for this fractionalization. It will also discuss goal changes in housing, public education, police brutality and how the Vietnam War affected the progress of the struggle. The leadership of the civil rights movement during the mid- 1960s were split into …

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…fight for more housing they were split in their conquest and this goes along with their goal changes. The Vietnam War was ending and the leadership of the civil rights movement was being divided in their beliefs. These are some of the reasons that the civil rights movement was starting to slow in its progress. Economic and political problems along with the assignation of key individuals led to the slowdown of the civil rights movement.