Reasons for reflective practice and key-theme in reflective practice.
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Reflective practice provide cirtical self-essessent of your own existing skills and prsonal attributes. It enable u to enhance your employment opportunities and say soemthing about yourself to your prospective employer. It is important to locate existing skills and personal attributes as most organizations include soft skills in job specifications. Many even seek evidence of soft skills at interview stages. The need to perpetuate awareness of soft skills is important since it enhances creativity and professional
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procedures or rules which are really mechanistic (static). Using reflection can develop professional skills and its learning attributes. Reflections creates more room for professional artistry. Reflections enables one to explore other views and overcome deceptions. Reflections advocates a constant world making. Other than those, reflections also militate against "closed system vocabulary", "unitary procedures, narrow and superficial approach to problem solving and overlearning". In short, reflective practice produces self-awareness, self-development, knowledge creation and autonomy and independence.
procedures or rules which are really mechanistic (static). Using reflection can develop professional skills and its learning attributes. Reflections creates more room for professional artistry. Reflections enables one to explore other views and overcome deceptions. Reflections advocates a constant world making. Other than those, reflections also militate against "closed system vocabulary", "unitary procedures, narrow and superficial approach to problem solving and overlearning". In short, reflective practice produces self-awareness, self-development, knowledge creation and autonomy and independence.