Reasons for prosocial behaviour

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Reasons for Prosocial Behaviour The heroic story of Arland Williams, as described in Hero of the frozen river, is touching and extremely eye opening. This man gave away two chances at survival to save two complete strangers. Safran (1982), the author of this article, describes one of the most significant moments of the rescue: "They aimed one line at the balding man. Once more, he caught it. Did he think then, even briefly, of his own …

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…of individuals". Williams' situation arose from different circumstances and demonstrates a grand example of an "average" man demonstrating prosocial behaviour. References Alcock, J. E., et al. (1998). A Textbook of Social Psychology, Scarborough, Ontario:Prentice Hall. Kahn, Jeffrey P. (1998). Take My Kidney, Please. In CNN-Ethics Matters- January 11,1998 at Safran, Claire. (October, 1982). Hero of the frozen river. In Reader's Digest (pp. 69-73). Reader's Digest Association (Canada) Ltd.