Reasons for Australian Federation

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Essay Database > History > World History
Question: Outline the main reasons for Federation. What was the main reason? Federation happened in 1901 when the six separate Australian colonies came together to form what is now the Commonwealth of Australia. It occurred for many reasons including: to unite the defence of Australia; to make uniform bank laws; taxes and tariffs resulting in better trade and communication between states; and to put the "White Australia Policy" into practise. Federation came about with the aid …

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…have been passed by the British Parliament. The colonies joined together in order to put the "White Australia Policy" into practise, to unite their defence and to make uniform bank laws, taxes and tariffs, providing better trade and communication between colonies. Australia became federated with the help of political leaders, federation lobby groups, many drafts of the constitution and every day people. The process took place through many conventions involving elected delegates from each state.