Reality Tv courtroom

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Essay Database > Law & Government
If we are to actually believe that TV court is real, then we also have to accept World Championship Wrestling, Roller Derby, and the most believable of them all: Monty Python's Flying Circus. When we take TV judges seriously, even for a moment, then we just simply abandon any resemblance of a true to life proceeding, and go to fantasyland again. In fact, in Reality TV, a multitude of premises, that the soap opera crowd …

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…the way these courtroom sessions are conducted, one is given to believe that anyone who wears a choir robe and a white doily around their neck is qualified to be a judge. Isn't this a little bit of an insult to the average felon? How can he, or the average attorney for that matter, expect a realistic or fair trial from someone like this? Either for his client, or for himself? I rest my case