Real Man! <compare essay "Giving up the gun" by Andre Dubus and "How to tell a true war story" by O'Brien>

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What makes a real man? A very traditional idea of it is that men are strong, be responsible the protectors, the providers and aggressive. In our society, we always hear people says men must fight for their lovers and nation, men should take care of the family, and man should living for competition. In the essay "Giving up the gun" by Andre Dubus and "How to tell a true war story" by O'Brien, authors indicate …

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…man Curt was. Rat put his heart out in the letter, telling the sister just how much her brother meant to him. She never writes back, so Rat gets mad at the sister. There is no goodness in war, there's only obscenity and evil. His best friend is dead and war is too much for him. Curt is a real man through the war, he immolated for his country. We admire him for his bravery.