Reading response - "Ode to an Orange"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"Ode to an Orange" by Larry Woiwode took place in the winter of 1940s. It was "the winters of the forties" which I felt was very important in setting the background. It was a time of war, rationing of food, limited transportation, a difficult time to import items from other states and then adjustment from war of peace. Winter did not just represent cold, snow, wind, gray sky, limited sunshine, but a limiting of the …

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…On the other hand, the inside of an orange on "your tongue start to tingle and swell up from behind." This taste brings imagines of refreshment and taste buds bursting. The orange is very much like earth. The orange skin represented the crust of the earth and the pulp like the earth that produces food and life. It has its own world and without us eating and enjoying it would be as cold as winter.