Reading "Signs and Symbols" by Vladimir Nabokov

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Essay Database > Literature
"Signs and Symbols" by Vladimir Nabokov, has been read in many different ways by many different readers. The story depicts a day in the life of Russian immigrants on the birthday of their mentally ill son. Critics may say it is a simple short story, a collage of signs and symbols or just a good author playing tricks on the reader. But in actuality this story is purposely filled with signs and symbols that the …

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…put there to confuse the critics and analysts. He uses events and symbols that can be analyzed to a point where the reader develops a type of referential mania. It has become so controversial that analysts, critics, readers and even students are trying to figure the correct way of reading it. Nabokov uses his exceptional writing talent to instill a mental illness not only a character in the story, but to all who read it.