Reaction to the Kent State Shootings

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Essay Database > History
Reactions of the May 4,1970! For my research paper I have decided to examine the reactions of the people towards the Kent State University shootings, the university shut down, and mostly the reactions to the Federal Grand Jury. I choose my topic because there were a lot of unanswered questions for me regarding the reactions of Americans after the shootings. This project has help to silence some of my questions. I have learned a lot about …

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…could happen do you always know whom you meet tomorrow or what you will be doing tomorrow. You could be injured while at work, school, home or even while your sleeping. So when you think about it the possibility of the Kent State shootings happening again it may happen when we least expect it too. So we should always be prepared with as much knowledge as we can to encounter such a situation as May 4,1970.