"Reaction paper to the Celestine Prophesy". Gives a summary of this book by James Redfield and analysis of the nine key "insights" to life

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The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield tells the story of a man who tries to learn and understand the nine key insights into life itself in an ancient manuscript that has been discovered in Peru. It predicts a massive spiritual transformation of society in the late twentieth century. We will finally grasp the secrets of the universe, the mysteries of existence, and the meaning of life. The real meaning and purpose of life will not …

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…we would tolerate those not ready to do so yet. But what blew me away is how blatantly and clearly the writing conveyed how the fearful phenomenon of dysfunctional codependency plays itself out--people attempting to live on each other's energy in lieu of tapping their own inner power. This can be seen in the scene where they seen the energies exchange between some people. All and all I enjoyed reading this novel by James Redfield.