Ray Bradburys short story The MillionYear Picinic

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Ray Bradbury is one of the most well known science fiction writers of the twentieth century. His stories have been used on television, radio , theater, film, newspapers, and have been published in every major American magazine (Bradbury 205). His style of writing as seen in Th Martian Chronicals leaves many unanswered questions so the readers's imagination is left to wander at all the possibitities. It is this magnetic quality in his writings that makes the reader …

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…of earlier civilizations much like Indians were to Americans (67). Throughout the story it was as if Martian colonies and land on Mars sounded no different then towns in the Midwest around the 1920's (66). This made Mars look like not a projection of the future but a mirror of our past (66). Much of the adventure of reading about such a place like Mars is lost when it ends up being nothing more than a typical a