Ray Bradbury

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Essay Database > History
American Literature's Ray Bradbury In studying short stories, collections, and novels with the different authors of American literature, critics tend to point out such writers as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Poe. Some could forget Ray Bradbury whom Douglas J. McReynolds calls " A genius as well as his gladness affirmation of the world is made manifest . . . " (2043), probably because they are familiar only with Bradbury's popular novels, like Fahrenheit 451 and Something wicked comes this way. …

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…history of science- fiction. Bradbury's works are so powerful because he uses his experiences and observations from his life and places them into his unique works. What seems to make Ray Bradbury's stories almost magical is that the way he tells the story. He writes short stories like no other author, just like his science fiction. Its safe to say that Ray Bradbury has influenced American literature in the way of science fiction story telling.