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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Violence and rape against women has been imbedded in this culture for hundreds of years. The view of this patriarchal society transcends a picture that portrays women as submissive beings. Constantly threatened and harmed by the acts of violence and rape that are culture undoubtedly minimizes as ok. The poem directly portrays exactly what many women fear, and/or experience on a daily basis. Women are beaten, raped, molested, and harmed by strangers, loved ones, …

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…to women who suffer from these types of issues. Once that final barrier is broken, can we move toward equality, and a safer world with the passing of every three minutes, every five minutes, every ten minutes, until everyday can be free of violence and rape. "Only when women gain their place as equal members of society will violence against women no longer be an invisible norm but, instead, a shocking aberration" (Ending the violence..., 1999).