Rap Music as Cultural Artform

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Rap is the most important popular music to emerge in America since the 1980's to the 1990's. Yet rap is more than music or entertainment. The words rhythmically recited, chanted, or sung over music by the likes of Public Enemy, Queen Latifah, Arrested Development, and many more represent a sense of identity and belonging for young people in America and throughout the world. Rap is the voice of a population that has been ignored by …

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…trend, which has sense became known as hip-hop. In spite of the vicious and malicious attempts made by White Americans to keep slaves apart through the bonds, holds, and cultural deprivation of slavery has emerged a cultural that can no longer be hidden and denied, Hip-hop. Hip-hop has served to be the common force that holds together people of different races, cultures, political backgrounds, and even different genders, like the glue that holds broken glass.