Ralph in "Lord of the Flies" by Willam Golding.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Ralph in "The Lord of the Flies" "The Lord of the Flies" is a novel written by William Golding. The setting is in the future on an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean. An academy of boys evacuate on a plane from England, where a war is being fought. An enemy aircraft attacks the planeload of boys. The boys land safely on this island. At first, the mood is one of joy and freedom as …

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…our civilization too. Are we turning into savages with world wars and terrorist attacks? Golding implies how men easily turns away from civilization and becomes hunters and savages. Works Cited Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group. 1954. "Lord of the Flies." 1997-2001. Pink Monkey. Explorer. 20 Apr. 2001. "Lord of the Flies." 1998-2000. Homework Online. Explorer. 20 Apr. 2001. Valsamas, Vel. "William G. Golding." 1997. Geocities. Explorer. 23 Jun. 2002 "William Golding." 1998-2002. Literature Classics. Explorer. 23 June. 2002.