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Essay Database > Literature > English
Ragtime by Doctorow At the turn of the twentieth century America witnessed the Progressive movement. The people had a desire to end the corruption in government and to control the big corporations. They took action by cleaning up the cities, making them cleaner and safer. Cities were redesigned, and housing codes were established. Not only were cities being reformed, but also institutions like laws, schools and government. The movement inspired a quest for social justice, …

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…they encountered on a daily basis. He shows that the inner cities and slums were not the only places that produced things not worth remembering. Even the upper middle class white families were affected by the time period. Everything was not polished and shiny. Family members went their own ways, and the women emerged from their subservient roles, learning about feminist movements. Families sometimes became dysfunctional and disjointed. This is what Docotorow showed in Ragtime.