Ragtime Between Two cultures

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Essay Database > History
Ragtime: A Bridge Between Two Cultures In 1974, Hollywood released a picture entitled The Sting. The film starred Robert Redford and won numerous awards, including Best Picture of the Year and Best Musical Score. Almost overnight, the American public was captivated with what some perceived as a new music, Ragtime! Actually, the rebirth of Ragtime began several years earlier, in the mid-sixties when the nation, after a period of fifty years, began to take a new …

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…ward. The Encyclopedia of American Music. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, Inc. 1981 Jasen, David A. Rags and Ragtime: A Musical History. New York: Th Seabury Press. 1978 Oliver, Paul. "Spiritual", In The New Grove Dictionary of American Music. Ed. H Wiley Hitchcock, Stanley Sadie, 4:286-289. 4 vols. London: MacMillon, 1986 Schafer, William J. "Ragtime", In The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz. Ed. Barry Kurnfield, 2:345-346. 2 vols. London: MacMillon, 1988 Waldo, Terry. This is Ragtime. New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc. 1976