Radio interview on 'The Arts in Review,' regarding the topic 'Transformation or merely imitation,' discussing the texts 'Hamlet' and 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.'

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[Opening Theme Music] David Brauer: Good evening. I'm David Brauer and this is today's episode of 'The Arts in Review.' Today we will be discussing the topic of 'Transformation or merely imitation?' by focusing on William Shakespeare's Hamlet and Tom Stoppard's 1967 adaptation Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, henceforth referred to as Ros and Guil. We have here today two special guests - Dr. Johnson, renowned English lecturer from the University of Melbourne, and …

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…value on their form of theatre. David: Thank you for your time Mr Johnson and Mr Stoppard. We have learnt from our discussion that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is more a transformation of Hamlet rather than a mere imitation. The known reflects upon the new, while the new resonates with the known. That concludes today's episode of 'The Arts in Review.' We hope to see both of you again sometime. [Closing Theme Music]