Radical Islam: The New Nationalism.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
On May 9th, Newsweek magazine published a small sideline article on the conduct of American interrogators at the "enemy combatant" detention camp at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Among other interrogation methods mentioned, the article devoted a single sentence to the purported practice of flushing a Koran down the toilet as a method of psychologically traumatizing the religiously devout detainees into eventually revealing information. At any other time in human history, such a minor blurb in …

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…even if it does not produce the government we want, and securing peace between Israel and Palestine. These successes should take much of the wind from the sails of bin Laden and the clerics and can buy the rest of the world some breathing room to figure out more rational solutions. Alternatively, we can just set the whole thing off with a bang and invade Iran, which, if nothing else, would make for terrific television.