Radical Feminism: Radical feminists think they're advocating for women's rights.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
In light of recent events at Harvard University, there has been much sentiment against any form of negative speech about women. The primary complaint is the existence of sexist double-standards (i.e. pimp vs. whore), followed by the "denunciation" of women who speak their minds. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that those two facts would be the first thing prospective radical neo-feminists (henceforth referred to as "feminazis") would gripe about. First …

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…destroy all of our social structure and replace it with their own. We're already seeing the consequences of this movement, and it must be stopped before we lose all that we hold dear. Next time you hear a feminist bitching about the inequities of society, before buying into her sentiment, ask yourself first: who is really to blame for those problems, and who are the real sexists? The answer should come to you very quickly.