Racism on the Australian Goldfields

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Essay Database > History > World History
For a few short years, from the beginning of the 1850s to the early 60s, thousands of people flocked to Australia. The ships that brought them often swung empty at their moorings as both crews and passengers swarmed inland toward makeshift camps. The lure was gold. With so many immigrants from different countries assembled on the goldfields, it wasn't long until threats to social stability were magnified in the form of racism. <Tab/&…

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…well continue if they were going to learn to live in the already multicultural society of Australia - "Individual experience of living alongside people from different cultures will be best guide to showing the lie of the filth and disease so often ascribed to non-white people." In my opinion, this statement stands true today, as the Chinese people have pride and great respect for being in Australia by sharing with us their cultures and traditions.