Racism in the Police

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I. Introduction and Thesis When Americans are asked what most concerns them with the direction of this country, crime and racial tensions invariably figure prominently in the answer. In the minds of many, these two problems are inextricably linked, and for some they go hand in hand. When living in a country comprised of a variety of races, one might think that acceptance and the freedom to live free of discrimination, especially by law enforcement …

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…Race, Crime, and the Law." New York: Pantheon, 1997. -Kramer, Michael. "How Good Cops Go Bad." Time. 15 Dec. 1997: Op-ed page. www.time.com. Online. Aol. 3 April 2000. -Leone, Bruno, et al., eds. "Police Brutality." Current Controversies Series. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1991. Harrison, Eric. "Police Brutality in the US: An Overview." Bruno Leone, et al. eds. 16-21. -Russell, Katheryn. "The Color of Crime- Racial Hoaxes, White Fear, Black Protectionism, Police Harassment,and other Macroaggressions." New York: New York University, 1998.