"Racism in the English Language," by Robert B. Moore.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
This paper discusses and analyzes the essay, "Racism in the English Language," by Robert B. Moore. The paper focuses on the statement that language influences Western thought from the first moment we learn it. The paper illustrates, through this enlightening essay, that the English language is peppered with racial stereotypes and slurs, even in words and phrases that seem quite harmless. The paper questions whether it is intentional that many English words and phrases were …

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…nearly 40 percent are in Los Angeles County, the impact of the increase in non-English speaking pupils affects schools just about everywhere in the state (E-Source Online, 2005). Two-thirds of the current English language learners are in grades K-6, and the other third are in grades seven through twelve. The educational needs of the younger children who must learn to read as well as learn a new language must be addressed in the most effective way possible.