Racism in the Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Question: "The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith is a closely personal account of the tragedy of one man. It is also an indictment of a racist society where the white man, assuming authority on the basis of racial superiority, can so comprehensively abuse this authority." Discuss this statement with detailed reference to the text. The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith is a powerful story of a black man's revenge against an unjust and intolerant society, where the …

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…Jimmie Blacksmith, is a severe criticisim of a racist society where the white man assumes a feeling of racial superiority over the blacks. Keneally is trying to free the blacks from this prison of racism and inferiority. The events throughout the novel explore this theme in great depth, and leaves the reader more aware of what racism was like during the time when the book was set, and also makes them reflect on racism today.