Racism in World War II.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
The common conception of the Second World War as being a "good war" is incorrect. The fight to defend freedom was tarnished by obvious contradictions in the supposedly free United States. Non-white Americans suffered discrimination comparable to the "evil" acts displayed by the enemy. The pacific theater, where Imperial Japan was pursuing a united Asian sphere, presented obvious threats to western democratic society. Japanese culture combined with tactics learned from the west to create a …

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…the Nazis. The German atrocities were called "Nazi" instead of being attributed to the German people, unlike Japanese atrocities, which were linked to the entire population. Also, the Nazis tended to attack peoples that the west saw as inferior (Eastern Europeans, Jews) and who were the target of U.S. immigration restrictions in the 1920's. This imbalance of hatred led to neglect of reporting the holocaust in comparison to the rape of Nanking (Dower 34-35).