Racism in Modern Canada

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Since the proclamation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act (1988), Canadians have grown to accept multiculturalism as a positive aspect of life in Canada. On the other hand, one can find many incidences of racism in Canada today, against different cultural groups, religious communities and people who are different from the majority. The Aboriginal people and the immigrants suffer from racist behavior, and the Canadian government decided to fight its expressions. The Aboriginals, or the "Indians" as …

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…differences, then the people will follow them. The last suggestion is getting familiar with each other culture: going to museums, guiding in schools, afternoon activities, school clubs, etc. The Canadian society, although modern and open, express racism in many different ways. The racism is based on cultural differences, fear and hating the different. The government is concentrating on action to minimize it expression, but still there are many things that each of us can do.