Racism in Germany during the 1930's and 1940's

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Thesis Statement: Racism in Germany during the 1930's and 1940's was mainly caused by Adolf Hitler's obsession with a pure Arian race and the annihilation of the Jewish race. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazi Party). After Hindenburg's death he became Dictator "Reichskanzler" over Germany and therefore had full powerover the German Nation. The German Nation called him "Fuehrer" meaning "leader". He expressed his thoughts and ideas in …

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…A large room equipped with many showers could hold up to 2,000 people. Once the chamber had filled up, its door was sealed, and shortly after a gas"Cyclone-B" was released from a square opening in the ceiling. After fifteen minutes the lifeless bodies would be removed and immediately taken to the crematory to be burned. Approximately 6 million innocent Jewish people lost their lives to Hitler's "Final Solution", a plan that almost exterminated a whole nation.