Racism and the Ku Klux Klan 2

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Since the early development of society in the United States, racism has always been a divisive issue faced by communities on a political level. Our country was built from the immigration of people from an international array of backgrounds. However, multitudes of white supremacists blame their personal as well as economic misfortunes on an abundance of ethnic groups. African-Americans, Jews and Catholics are only some of the of groups tormented by these white supremacists. As …

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…and bigotry does not die with an amendment to the Constitution. There are still people like David Duke in office. There are still people like Gary Cox setting fires to churches. And there are still people like Michael Lowe who believe it is the Jews who bring this country down. We must not forget that the KKK is still alive, and we, as Americans, should do everything in our power to protect the American dream.