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Essay Database > Literature > English
Page 1 Alan Latham Professor Agy English 120 7December 2000 Racism : A thought or belief that one race is better than another race. How anyone can believe that they are better than any person makes me feel dumbfounded. If we were all created equal, what seems to be the problem? Another human being is made of the same bone and skin, but just looks different than you so you are superior? If anyone believes that, they are ignorant …

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…to police, I hate the police, whether local of federal or state police//even them little security guard fake police and when the time come I'm aiming mine straight for the police" (sticman of Dead-Prez). This is how most of america's youth look at police, because the news shows the videotape of a man or woman being beat to death or near death. Today people are less tolerant to this type of behavior. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**