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Essay Database > Literature > English
BLACKS, PRISON, AND INSTITUTIONAL RACISM Description: The title pretty much says it all in this one. This paper addresses the issue of blacks in prison and explores the socio-economic causes and solutions. This paper uses many govermentally commissioned reports. Blacks, Prison, and Institutional Racism Introduction Criminal justice and security is one of the largest industries in the United States. Such a statistic is (and rightly so) of great concern to Afro-Americans because a disproportionate percentage …

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…solution is, degrading as it may be, is for Blacks to prove their worth. Blacks must prove that they are worth something to White society beyond the economic niche they help fill in prison. Blacks must prove that they are a benefit which Whites cannot do without. Once We have established ourselves as benefactors then We can begin to break down the walls of institutional racism, stop the digression of our communities, and truly advance.