"Racial profiling is wrong and we will end it in America"

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
On February 26, 2004 congress introduced bipartisan legislation called the "End Racial Profiling Act", (ERPA). This is intended to end racial bias in law enforcement, because this tactic erodes community trust. "No American is to be subject to law enforcement encounters based on crude bias," said Laura W. Murphy, Director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. This is a bill whose introduction comes from The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which defends the bill of rights.http://…

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…It is and has caused hate. And issues like this will continue to rise and we will continue to have wars if we don't practice what we preach. Methods aimed to stop racial profiling include: Ø<Tab/>Racial and cultural diversity training Ø<Tab/>Strong dicipline for errant officers Ø<Tab/>Video taping of all traffic stops