Racial profiling-Gives examples and real instances where blacks and minorities were victims of racial profiling.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Racial Profiling Just what is racial profiling? Racial profiling occurs when the police target someone for investigation on the basis of that person's race, national origin, or ethnicity (www.washington.com). Examples are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic violations and the use of race to determine which motorists or pedestrian to search for contraband. Universally attested and detested, racial profiling is a widespread police tactic. Although blacks …

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…when it comes to racial profiling. As far as driving, blacks and other minorities should do all they can to stop racial profiling and let their community officers know that it will not be tolerated. But as far as racial profiling against foreigners to protect the United States of America, I think that the government should go as far as possible in catching these suspected terrorists because we'll never know when they will strike again.