Racial concerns in, "Cry, the Beloved Country", by Alan Paton.

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Racial Concerns in Cry, the Beloved Country In the story, Cry, the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton, depicts about Ablsom Kumalo's search for his son in Johannseburg, and he later knew that his son killed white man. His son, Ablsom, is convicted for guilty charges, and that shows that white society is filled with discrimination and injustice. Yet, this murder had brought Stephen Kumalo and James Jarvis, a black and white man together. James was …

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…Africa deteriorated. Arthur died tragically, because he thought himself for envisioning new South Africa that racial harmony and human decency, then is killed by bunch of kids who wanted to get money by steal into white's home and killing resident who lives there. I think what Paton wants to send a message that all of the black South Africans and to have white have come together and put an end to crime amongst each other.