Racial Profilling Since 9/11
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The way we do battle is considered an ever changing art. War is constantly evolving with technology and culture. In revolutionary times it was customary for an army to line up and simply march through its opposing force. In the First World War, soldiers would dig trenches and mow opposing forces down simply to defend an imaginary line. The only thing that is true in the "Art of War" is that lives are lost. War …
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…times in my life. I have never been as frustrated or as angry as those select times. Any type of stereotyping is just plain wrong. Understanding the situation that this war presents is the key. In a time like now, special exceptions have to be made. Ninety-nine percent of people fitting the Middle Eastern profile in our country are completely innocent, but it is necessary to rely on statistics to help stop that one percent.
…times in my life. I have never been as frustrated or as angry as those select times. Any type of stereotyping is just plain wrong. Understanding the situation that this war presents is the key. In a time like now, special exceptions have to be made. Ninety-nine percent of people fitting the Middle Eastern profile in our country are completely innocent, but it is necessary to rely on statistics to help stop that one percent.