Racial Profiling . A excellent Arguement paper giving good examples of racial profiling .

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Racial Profiling Racial profiling has been a very heated issue from past few years. Race and location are the dominant characteristics authorities look at when engaging in this type of profiling. The undeniable pattern of race-based stops by police is a dilemma that millions of African-American and Latino-American motorists regularly encounter on this country's highways. This phenomenon has been sardonically dubbed as "being pulled over for "DWB" (Driving While Black or Brown). This play on …

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…Dec4th, 2001. http://www.aclu.org/profiling Jhon D. Cohen "End of Racial Profiling" Copyright 1999 Recruits Still Low, Randy Diamond, The Bergen Record. On-Line Dec. 4th, 2001. http://www.bergen.com/news/recruitr200008237.htm. Roots of Racial PROFILING, "Gene Callahan and William Anderson." http://reason.com/0108/fe.gc.the.shtml Supt. Williams Sues NJ for Race Bias, Wendy Ruderman, New Jersey On-Line Dec.4th, 2001. http://www.nj.com/news/times/stories/10-ukbbfqsb.html Fired State Police