Racial Prejudices

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Racial Prejudice What is prejudice? - set of learned beliefs and values that lead a person to be biased against other members of other groups. -prejudices are convenient(bequem,brauchbar,passend) and inaccurate. ----* people are not seen as individuals, biased people label other people to special groups -prejudice is mostly based on inaccurate information about people Prejudice originates from three common parts(these parts make up a prejudiced belief): 1.Generalisations -a very broad , simple …

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…groups to lay the blame on them.This groups are guilty of an individual's failure and frustration --*these people taking blame for an failure of other people are described or represented by scapegoats. Conformity -friends ,family your whole environment will induce you to share their views. They prevail upon you to be prejudiced against a special group. -The group pressure will cause you to agree with the group you are member of. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**