Racial Discrimination in America during the 1920's

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
The motto of the United States of America is "E Pluribus Unum" meaning 'Out of one, many'. It neatly recognizes that although America may be a single nation, it is also one originally made up of immigrants who arrived not only from Europe and Asia, but forcibly as slaves from Africa and of Native Americans. Its population is the most racially and culturally diverse in the world and for that reason is often referred to …

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…simmering throughout the 'native' American population decades before got stronger and came to be recognized. Tolerance for racist views in the media, literature and in organizations like the Ku Klux Klan. Similarly the hostile attitude of the Federal Government during the twenties did not set a good example for its people regarding ethnic groups. The racial prejudices that had been ingrained throughout American society in the 1920's would only subside with the passage of time.