Racial Discrimination

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
While all racial groups differ greatly through cultural disparities, they also relate to one another through the common theme of racial discrimination and struggle. This trend is strongly present in comparing and contrasting the positions of Native Americans and Asian/Pacific Americans. The similarities between these groups mostly consist of their shared experience with the American government and the "whites." Obviously, the most apparent similarity between these two groups is the racial discrimination they received …

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…American citizens and be accepted (about 50% of immigrants) and came to America on the basis of leaving their old ways in search of a new world. However, Native Americans were the ones that ended up finding acceptance (as Americans, however, not as their indigenous tribe) and Asian Americans were (at first) rejected as American. WORKS CITED Hollinger, David A. Postethnic America. New York: Basic Books, 1995. Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror. New York: Back Bay Books, 1993.